An original thinker with a wide range of experiences, strong convictions, and no shortage of opinions, Mike Kelly covers a lot of ground with this eclectic mix of unique stories and musings.

From societal trends to the media to Native Americans to homelessness to individuals with disabilities to famous folks and more, Kelly covers all the bases with his biting social commentary and thought-provoking prose.


“Clever, witty, thought-provoking”—Sunday Mail

“A collection of entertaining stories”—Riverton Chronicle

“An equal mix of bite and whimsical humor ”—Modern Books


What do you become in life when your mother thinks you're a moron, your father thinks even less of you, and your siblings treat you growing up as if you're radioactive?

GRAY SKIES: A (Moron's) Memoir tells the hilarious yet heartbreaking saga of Mike Kelly growing up in his fragmented and dysfunctional New Jersey family in the 1970s and '80s, and how he survived severe asthma, an alcoholic father, undiagnosed learning disabilities, a serial-cheating girlfriend, a bizarre appetite, and a body that resembled a javelin—and came out on top.


"A touching tribute to a spirited man's broken past."Moxy 

"Equal parts funny, poignant, and heart-wrenching."The Independent

"Mike Kelly opens up his heart and his past to entertain us." The Chronicle Press

"A touching and telling memoir of a funny man."The Advance

"I laughed, I cried, I winced, and I sighed."The Beacon  

"An autobiographical odyssey through the life of an eccentric boy, GRAY SKIES will take your emotions for a ride."
Jim Duncan, Charleston Life



Twenty-something Steve Santiago wants to marry his corporate executive girlfriend, Valerie Renna, but feels he needs to leave his house painting job to keep her heart.

Scrambling to find a more stable career, he stumbles upon an admissions job at a post-secondary New Jersey technical school. It's here that he meets an array of misfits from all walks of life and witnesses the lunacy working together as high-pressure sales reps for the less-than-professional Woolston Tech. Steve fights to keep his job and Valerie's heart, while struggling to meet his monthly sales quota—and remain sane in the process.

We've all seen the awful commercials; now we can discover what actually happens when someone calls for a free brochure.


"A laugh-out-loud read!"

"TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES does to the technical school industry what The Devil Wears Prada did to the magazine publishing industry; The Nanny Diaries did to New York City’s nanny industry; Boiler Room did to the brokerage industry; and what Glengarry Glen Ross did to the real estate timeshare industry."

"Disturbingly funny."

"Author Mike Kelly either has an incredible imagination or his past experiences working in the technical school business were outrageous. Either way, TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES is brilliant!"  



Travel with award-winning transition educator Mike Kelly through the ups and downs and ins and outs of his work within the disabilities field.          

Along the way, meet interesting kids with disabilities, famous professional athletes, and everyday folk who make a difference—and discover the many ABILITIES kids with disabilities actually have. www.specialstoriesbook.com.


“SPECIAL STORIES is an outstanding book that captures how Mike Kelly uses the gifts of presence, acceptance, and understanding to help young people with a range of disabilities define their own identity and internal spark to successfully address the challenges of life.”—JONATHAN GREEN, Internationally Acclaimed Artist

“In life you meet a lot of very interesting people. Some are takers and others are givers. Mike Kelly is a giver and he has done so for many years. His work with children with disabilities is admirable. His compilation of stories about these young people will bring joy to your heart and tears to your eyes. I hope you enjoy the stories as much as I did.”—RICK BARRY, NBA Hall of Famer Named by the NBA One of the 50 Greatest Players of All-Time

“Mike Kelly’s unique and insightful stories illuminate, inspire, provoke, and undoubtedly entertain.”—TIM MCKINNON, Author of “NEVER: Jens Pulver and the Wednesday Group That Will Change The World”

“Too often we have the tendency to view people in two groups: the abled and the disabled. Mike Kelly’s stories bridge that divide. Through sharing the struggles and triumphs with a variety of mental and physical challenges, Kelly makes it apparent that we’re all facing some hurdle in life, whether it is our own or someone close to us AND, more importantly, that these hurdles can not only be surmounted, the leap over can prove to be some of our greatest moments in life. Kelly serves up a generous portion of inspiration here.”—PHILADELPHIA WEEKLY



Some guys have all the luck. Some guys have all the pain. Shane Webster has both.

Twenty-something Shane is on top of the world: recent college graduate, a promising career on Wall Street, good health, a new home, and a new wife. All is great, until it isn't. It turns out, his new bride is not the woman he originally believed her to be. Upon uncovering news about his wife, Shane's life goes into a tailspin. After picking up the pieces of his shattered world, Shane hits the reset button on his life. He decides to open his heart to the possibility of loving someone again, but has little hope there is someone for him. Just as Shane’s fortune turns around, he receives shocking news that leaves him forlorn. This news will change his life forever.

WITH HOPE COMES PAIN is an emotional roller coaster ride through the ups and downs of Shane Webster's blessed and cursed life, and his world gone mad. It is the fourth book from international-selling author Mike Kelly


“A rare and gripping read—Scribe

“A touching chronicle of a unique story worth telling”—Booksmart



NOTHING is the ideal book for anyone who hates to read books. It's 266 pages of blank pages—nothing!

Both a curiosity and conversation piece, NOTHING is an artistic interpretation of abstract expressionism in book form. It's the book industry's own version of the art world's painting of the proverbial red ball.

Buy it as a gag gift for friends and family members who hate to read books, or buy it as an art piece and add it to your own book collection.


“A brilliant interpretation of abstract expressionism in book form. If he were alive today, I’m certain Mark Rothko would find this unique literary piece of art a bold expression of simplism.”—Elliot Cohen, Art Expert and Critic

“Without writing a single word, Kelly makes a powerful statement with his fifth book.”—Maria Sanchez, Scribe

“Bravo! Finally, the literary industry has its own version of the art world’s painting of the proverbial red ball.”—Marc Samuels, Author and Poet

“Nothing is the perfect book for anyone who hates to read books!”—David Collins, Someone Who Hates to Read Books



From people who talk in movie theaters to hotel door slammers to Canada geese to plane coughers to upsellers to TIP jars, RANDOM RANTS covers all the bothersome bases. Its mix of provocative subject matters is sure to educate as well as entertain.


“Some short, some long, but all from the fed-up mind of Mike Kelly.” —-Scribe

“A combination of hilarious observations and eye-opening truths delivered with exasperated disposition”—-Newbie

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In his lifetime Mike has been a landscaper, Woolworth’s store manager, housepainter, public speaker, salesman, admissions counselor, public relations professional, special educator, vocational teacher, nonprofit business owner, and author. He's lived in several different states around the country and holds a master's degree in psychology. Mike enjoys playing guitar and bass, and watching MMA. Happily married for 25 years, he and his wife live in the Pacific Northwest.

